At Streethay Primary School, we intend to give all pupils the opportunity to learn about the narrative that is the history of our world, nation and local area. Following the National Curriculum through the Opening Worlds curriculum in Key Stage 2, we aim for pupils to understand this narrative and to build on it themselves, creating inquisitive, learning loving characteristics in our future historians.
Opening Worlds is a knowledge-rich humanities programme for teaching History in Years 1-6. We intend for pupils to know the key history of the local area and to develop an understanding of where they come from.
Nationally, we want our pupils to learn about:
- key figures
- periods within history when significant change happened.
- how this change shaped the world they live in.
When exploring outside of the United Kingdom, we want our pupils to discover:
- what happened throughout history,
- how this effected the United Kingdom
- how it influenced the world at that time and how it has influenced our lives today.
As part of the narrative of History, we intend for pupils to understand the order of events and to build a picture of how they fit into the narrative throughout their journey in school.
We believe as a school that it is vital for our pupils to experience History, broadening their horizons and developing cultural capital; for example, trips to local and national museums are used. We want to give pupils a chance to build on their learning and understand further the developing world they live in.
Curriculum Progression in History
History Unit Overview
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