Image of Ancient Egyptians in Team Badgers
18 October 2024

Ancient Egyptians in Team Badgers

After a fantastic Egyptian day the previous week, Team Badgers have continued exploring how Ancient Egypt had changed over time. We explored the evolution of pyramids and how the Egyptians built these more efficiently over time, Tutankhamun is an Egyptians ruler we are learning about and we…

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Image of Learning About the Past Through Photographs
11 October 2024

Learning About the Past Through Photographs

Rabbits have loved exploring the past by looking at photographs. The children have been comparing photographs of our local area, families and houses in the past and present. They have looked closely at different features and have explained why they think that photograph was taken from the past and…

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Image of History in Hedgehogs
10 October 2024

History in Hedgehogs

In history, we have been learning about the Roman Republic and the Punic Wars. Last week, we looked at Hannibal and how unstoppable he seemed to the Romans. This week, we learnt about a Roman leader called Scipio, who came up with a clever plan to defeat Hannibal and the…

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Image of History in Starlings
4 October 2024

History in Starlings

During our History lesson this week we explored how Muhammad's teachings had an impact on his followers. 

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Image of Orchard's History Learning
3 October 2024

Orchard's History Learning

Orchard have been working really hard in History, learning all about Muhammad's life, his teachings and why they worried some of his followers.

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Image of Ancient Aksum- History in Team Starlings!
12 July 2024

Ancient Aksum- History in Team Starlings!

We have been thoroughly enjoying our History lessons in Team Starlings this week, looking at the astonishing churches, hewn into rock thousands of meters above the ground! We saw worshippers take on the perilous journey, and marvelled at the beautiful artefacts found inside.

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Image of History in Team Starlings
23 May 2024

History in Team Starlings

This week in History, team Starlings have been learning all about the Roman Town of Aquae Sulis, named after Ancient Roman God, Sulis. We have enjoyed learning all about the Roman Baths, and the importance of public baths to the Romans. Next week, we will be learning all about Hadrian's…

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Image of Stories of our past
19 April 2024

Stories of our past

Rabbits have been in awe of learning some stories of our past! Such stories include, Robert the Bruce and the Battle of Bannockburn and the Gunpowder Plot. We have roleplayed different scenarios, used voice recordings to retell story boards and wrote diary entries about some historical events. The…

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Image of Starlings learn about The Roman Empire!
19 March 2024

Starlings learn about The Roman Empire!

This half term in History, we have been learning all about the Roman Empire! We have heard all about how Julius Caesar was brutally murdered on the Ides of March, and have been hearing about other Roman Emperors, including Augustus Caesar, Nero and Claudius. We have enjoyed comparing the leaders…

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Image of History in Hedgehogs
13 March 2024

History in Hedgehogs

This week we have been learning all about the first emperor of Rome - Augustus. We began by exploring how Octavian (Augustus), Julius Caesar's nephew, defeated Mark Anthony and Cleopatra and how cunning he was as he grew in power.


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Image of History-Robert the Bruce and the Spider
27 February 2024

History-Robert the Bruce and the Spider

Our new topic in History is 'Stories about the past'. We have recently learnt about Robert the Bruce and the spider. 

We listened the story and discussed it and then we re-enacted it by freeze framing.


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Image of Victorian Classroom
6 February 2024

Victorian Classroom

Team Meadow were transfered to a Victorian classroom in History to learn how life at school was different for Victorian children. 

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