C&L in Daisies
LO: i am beginning to make myself understood and can become frustrated when i can't.
This week's carpet session was all about different emotions. The Daisies have been looking at different kinds of emotions and thinking about what hey may look like, the children have then talked about…
DT in Hedgehogs
In Design Technology this week, we used sweets and toothpicks to explore building different frame structures. We started with a base shape and then built our structure onto it. We then evaluated our structures thinking about how stable and sturdy they were. We then got to eat two sweets to…
Maths in Team Hedgehogs
This week in maths, we have been practising division with renaming. Today, we went further and looked at dividing 2-digit numbers by a 1-digit number, with renaming and remainders! We started having a go at our workbook questions, but are having a bit longer so that we can become more confident…
PSED in Daisies
LO: i am developing my personal care needs.
This week the Daisies have been developing their personal care. They have dome this through washing and drying their hands before lunch and snack time, and especially after messy play.
Well done Daisies!
Our new RE topic!
In Team Meadow, we have started our new RE topic Our new topic this half term is Islam - Who is God to Muslims?
Ball skills in PE
In PE, we have been practicing our ball skills. Children were using the sole of their foot to control the ball and the sides of their feet to kick the ball.
Music in Hedgehogs
In music this week, Team Hedgehogs performed their musical pieces inspired by rivers. They created them with their partner last term, but with the excitement of the Christmas Carol concert, they didn't have the opportunity to perform their compositions. It was really nice to see how much they…
Science in Team Hedgehogs
To end our unit on electricity, we had a lesson about being safe around electricity and the dangers in and around the home. We created advice posters to remind people what to do and not do.
UOW in Daisies
LO: i can describe my local area.
This week the children have been exploring the outdoor area on the bikes and scooters, they have been look around them to see what they can find. The Daisies have decribed the different buildings around them.
Well done Daisies!
PE in Team Hedgehogs
This term, the children have been learning different gestures in Bollywood dancing. They have learnt the hand gestures: fan, peacock, happy sign, flute, bee, lotus and prayer. We've also learnt some footwork: basic, side touch and basic turn.
RE in Team Hedgehogs
This term, we have been learning about The Birth of Jesus in our RE lessons. This week, we learnt about the meanings behind some well known Christmas Carols, and how they link to the story of Jesus's birth.
Christmas workshop
LO: i can develop my own ideas and build using a variety of materials.
The Daisies had a lovely time during the Christmas workshop, they showed their singing skills and created some Christmas crafts with their families.
Well done Daisies!