Dance in Team Meadow
In Dance, we have been taking inspiration from fireworks to create dance moves. The children created moves for a 'Catherine wheel' and a 'sparkler'.
Solving word problems in Maths
In Maths, we have been using the 'RUCSAC' method to solve worded problems involving multiplication.
Daisies PSED
LO: i am developing in confidence to choose my own toys to play with, snack to eat and what to wear.
this week the Daisies have come into the room and enjoyed all the different activities we had set out for them. The Daisies have confidently chosen what areas to play at and have started…
Algorithms in Team Meadow
In computing, Team Meadow have been learning about algorithms. The children created instructions on how to make a cheese sandwich, thinking about how these instructions would need to be written for a 'computer'.
Music in Team Meadow
The children have been learning about orchestral instruments. They have been thinking about which orchestral instruments they could hear in different pieces of music.
Art in Team Hedgehogs
In preparation for our Remembrance Assembly on Friday, Team Hedgehogs painted some beautiful watercolour poppy fields. It was the first bit of painting we had done in Year 4, and we were really proud of the effects we were able to create. We also enjoyed seeing each other's paintings and seeing…
Computing in Team Hedgehogs
In computing this term, Team Hedgehogs have looked at different ways of staying safe online. We have looked at making sure we can find information we can trust, as well as how we would give credit for information we find online. We also discussed cyberbullying and learned some top tips for staying…
Science in Team Hedgehogs
In science this week, Team Hedgehogs became poo detectives! We had to study pictures of different animal poo samples, and see what evidence we could find in there. This helped us decide on their diet and then we had to choose which of the 10 animals could have made the poo! It was disgusting,…
UOW in Daisies
LO: I can describe my local area.
the Daisies have been telling us all about the local area. They could name the different places around them, such as: the park, the shop, school and bod. The Daisies then told us what they do at each place.
well done Daisies!
Orienteering in Team Hedgehogs
This week, Team Hedgehogs were able to continue their OAA learning and the sun even came out! They've built on their teamwork skills over the term, and had to combine finding the cones and unbreaking a code. Their teamwork and anagram solving skills really impressed Mr Withers and it was a great…
Food chains
In Year 2, we've been learning about food chains. Children enjoyed drawing their pictures of a producer, prey and predator from different habitats.
RE in Team Hedgehogs
This week, the children have consolidated their learning on their unit of Christianity and the family of Jesus. They've thought about why the stories they've learnt about are important to Christians.