EAD in Daisies
LO: i enjoy singing and dancing to action songs.
This week the Daisies have been practicing their dancing skills, we have done this through using the ribbons. The Daisies were able to listen and follow instructions given and copy the actions successfully. They could do different movements like…
Geography in Team Meadow
In Geography, we have been learning all about Keswick. The children looked at the reasons as to why people visit Keswick.
STEMBotics in Team Hedgehogs
We have had an awesome day in Team Hedgehogs. We worked in partners to build a Lego fairground. Then, we programmed it to different speeds. Mr Anderson was so impressed, that we were able to do some extra challenges. We added music and sounds to our ride as it spun. The afternoon was even…
History in Hedgehogs
In history, we have been learning about the Roman Republic and the Punic Wars. Last week, we looked at Hannibal and how unstoppable he seemed to the Romans. This week, we learnt about a Roman leader called Scipio, who came up with a clever plan to defeat Hannibal and the…
English in Team Meadow
In English, we have been trying hard to use expanded noun phrases and conjunctions in our writing. This week, we explained why Timothy and Tabitha decided to swap back places.
Maths in Daisies
LO: i can join in with number rhymes (counting patterns).
This week the Daisies have been exploring the number rhyme 5 little men in a flying saucer. The children have been using the rocket props to re create the actions while singing the rhyme. The children have shown good number recall and…
PSHE in Hedgehogs
In PSHE this week, we talked with Mrs Machin about our rights and responsibilities in Year 4.
We also set ourselves personal targets within the afternoon and our future afternoons with Mrs Machin.
Writing in Team Hedgehogs
In writing this week, Team Hedgehogs used expanded noun phrases to create an effective description. We needed to improve the description of the Apollo 13 explosion from our book Counting on Katherine.
We started by building word-banks of nouns and adjectives, before having a go ourselves. Some…
Literacy in Daisies
LO: to use chunky mark making tools, held in whole hand palmar grip.
The Daisies have been practcing their mark making skills in their books. The Daisies enjoyed making pre writing shape during write dance, they could follow along to the music and was able to listen to and follow the…
C&L in Daisies
LO: i enjoy singing and making sounds.
This week the Daisies have been learning their new nursery rhyme of the week 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes'. The Daisies enjoy joining in with the actions and have lovely singing to go along with them.
Well done Daisies!
PSED in Daisies
LO: To find ways of managing transitions, for example from their parents to their key person.
this week the Daisies have been coming into the classroom and finding different way to settle in, the children have enjoyed playing with car track and in the kitchen role play area.
Well done…
PD in Daisies
LO: i enjoy running and jumping (with both feet on the ground).
The Daisies have been enjoying PE this morning, they have been practicing their running and jumping around the beach. The Daisies have been jumping over sandcastles and using the balls to knock down different sized sandcastles.