The River Rhine- Geography in Team Starlings
In Geography, we have been building upon our knowledge of rivers, delving into the amazing wonders of The River Rhine. We have been learning about it's source, the places that it travels through, and the climate surrounding it. As we continue this topic over the course of the half term, we will…
Couleurs, tailles et formes françaises!
Salut! Team Starlings have been enjoying learning all about colours, sizes, and shapes recently in French lessons. We have been practising our vocabulary in order to describe classroom objects in terms of how big or small they are, their colour, and their shape. Over the next few weeks we will be…
Marvellous Myths in Team Starlings
In Team Starlings, we are reading 'Kai and The Monkey King,' thinking all about ancient Chinese Mythical creatures and artefacts. This week, we have been putting ourselves in the characters' shoes, writing letters and diary entries from their perspectives. Over the next few weeks we will be…
History in Hedgehogs
This week in History we have been continuing with our topic of the Roman Republic and, in particular, learning about why Rome became a Republic. Romulus was the first king of Rome and after he had died Rome continued to grow stronger with each new king. We know that Rome had 7 Kings. Tarquin the…
Computing on the move!
In Team Badgers, we have been preparing to bring home our i.Pads so that our computing and all of our learning is really 'on the move'! In our lesson this week, we revised how to stay safe online and set up our accounts on Times Table Rock Stars so that we can practise our maths along with other…
RE in Hedgehogs
This week in RE we have started a new topic which builds on our previous knowledge of Judaism. We have looked closely at what happened to the Israelites after they escaped Egypt.
PE in Hedgehogs
This week in PE we have been working on performing a shoulder stand safely. We worked in groups to support each other to learn this new skills.
Excellent English
In English this week we have been working really hard on connecting two ideas by including 'and' when looking at our new book 'The Lion Inside'. Look at our amazing writing!
Sunflowers - To understand zero as an empty set.
Sunflowers have been exploring this week the number zero.
Daffodils Forest School
This week Daffodils class explored the forest school area. We had a great time picking daisies, waving long grass in the wind and breaking up the ice in the mud kitchen. We all remembered our kind hands and made sure that everyone was welcomed in our games. Daffodils have asked to go back to…
Starlings PSHE
Today in PSHE we have been discussing rumours, name-calling, and how to deal with bullying. We have created 'Snakes and Ladders' games which show positive actions to overcome bullying, (the ladders), and negative responses, (the snakes.) We have enjoyed playing these games and discussing the…
Daffodils Class Christmas Events
Daffodils class loved their Rudolph Run last Friday - most managed to stay upright! They were very excited to meet Santa as well.