Daffodils - Physical Development
We've had a brilliant first week back! This week, we've built obstacles courses outside, fixed our broken bus and practised writing our names, including the initial letter sound. Good job Team Daffodils!
Daffodils - Literacy
This half term, Team Daffodils have been working incredibly hard with their name writing. We've been practising our pencil grip, learning the initial sounds in our names and started to have a go at writing our first names! Great job Team Daffodils.
Daffodils - Tales ToolKit - C&L
This week, Team Daffodils have been drawing the character from our story. After drawing the character, we described what she looks like and how she might feel. We also had a go at retelling some of the important parts from the story.
Daffodils - Maths
This week, Team Daffodils have been learning about the cardinal principle. We have counted different amounts throughout the week and identified that the last number we say is the number we have altogether. We have also tried matching amounts to numerals. Good job Daffodils!
Daffodils - PSED
This week in Team Daffodils, we have been thinking about our friends and what they do that is kind. We've taken it in turns to share what we like about our friends. In our provision, we've been thinking about how to show we are good friends by sharing.
Daffodils - Physical Development
This week, Team Daffodils have been working on their gross motor skills. They looked at moving across equipment in different ways and challenged themselves by moving across the narrow balance beams.
Daffodils - Forest School (UOW)
This week, we have been reading 'Yucky Worms'. We have learned all about worms, including where they live, what they eat and what happens if they come into contact with a spade. Today, we found a worm in Forest School and spent lots of time watching it wriggling through the dirt.
Tales ToolKit in Daffodils
This week, Team Daffodils have been innovating our Tales ToolKit story. We have changed the dinosaur character to a different animal or person. The children in Team Daffodils have done an excellent job of drawing their new characters. We've had everything from princesses to unicorns!
Daffodils - Forest School Science
This week in Forest School, Team Daffodils have been exploring the effects of the rain. We have found muddy puddles to jump and roll in and searched in the pond for creatures. Team Daffodils were very disappointed to find only old toys in the pond, which they have retrieved and returned to Forest…
Daffodils - Little Town Workshop
Last week, the Daffodils explored a Little Town in the school hall. We enjoyed role playing in the different areas; particularly where there were costumes to try on and vehicles to ride. There was lots of excitement and we all had lots of fun playing with new friends in our Team Daffodils.
Daffodils Forest School Maths
This week, Team Daffodils have been learning about smallest, small, big and biggest. The children compared objects in Forest School and decided who had the biggest.
Daffodils Junk Modelling
This week, we have brought back our junk modelling table. The children have explored the different materials and constructed 3D models. We've had rocket ships, airplanes, musical instruments and so much more!