PSED in Daisies
LO: To find ways of managing transitions, for example from their parents to their key person.
this week the Daisies have been coming into the classroom and finding different way to settle in, the children have enjoyed playing with car track and in the kitchen role play area.
Well done…
PD in Daisies
LO: i enjoy running and jumping (with both feet on the ground).
The Daisies have been enjoying PE this morning, they have been practicing their running and jumping around the beach. The Daisies have been jumping over sandcastles and using the balls to knock down different sized sandcastles.
Maths in Daisies
LO: i can sort and match quantities to 3.
The children have been exploring the maths area, they have been able to access the natural materials and start to sort and match them up to 3, they have then moved on to do the same with the coloured bears.
Welcome to Daisies!
Welcome to Daisies!
The children have enjoyed creating their own Daisies picture for our display. The Daisies have been exploring the provision and started to settle in very well.
Maths in our Outdoor Environment
The children have been correctly placing the number of objects in front of each of the cones.
Name Writing
The children in Daisies have been practising their name writing and recognisition. Some of the children were able to form the letters independently.
C&L in Daisies
The children in Daisies have been developing their communication and language skills through our daily tales toolkit sessions.
Daisies- Parent Workshop
We welcomed the parents into our "in the garden" workshop. Where we planted seeds and explored the outdoor environment.
PSED in Daisies
The children in Daisies have been developing our PSED throigh different activities such as circle time emotion sessions where we spoke about how we feel and what could happen to make these emotions occur. We also have been exploring the outdoor environment where we developed our take turning…
Learning Process of the Caterpillar
The children have been learning and understanding the process in which a caterpillar takes in order to become a butterfly.
EAD in Daisies
The children have been exploring different shapes, colours and patterns on our interactive whiteboard.
The children have been discovering insects in the ground.