Image of Maths in our Outdoor Environment
17 May 2024

Maths in our Outdoor Environment

The children have been correctly placing the number of objects in front of each of the cones. 



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Image of Name Writing
10 May 2024

Name Writing

The children in Daisies have been practising their name writing and recognisition. Some of the children were able to form the letters independently. 


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Image of C&L in Daisies
3 May 2024

C&L in Daisies

The children in Daisies have been developing their communication and language skills through our daily tales toolkit sessions. 


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Image of Daisies- Parent Workshop
3 May 2024

Daisies- Parent Workshop

We welcomed the parents into our "in the garden" workshop. Where we planted seeds and explored the outdoor environment.


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Image of PSED in Daisies
26 April 2024

PSED in Daisies

The children in Daisies have been developing our PSED throigh different activities such as circle time emotion sessions where we spoke about how we feel and what could happen to make these emotions occur. We also have been exploring the outdoor environment where we developed our take turning…

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Image of Learning Process of the Caterpillar
19 April 2024

Learning Process of the Caterpillar

The children have been learning and understanding the process in which a caterpillar takes in order to become a butterfly. 

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Image of EAD in Daisies
12 April 2024

EAD in Daisies

The children have been exploring different shapes, colours and patterns on our interactive whiteboard. 


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Image of Daisies-Science
14 March 2024


The children have been discovering insects in the ground.



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Image of EAD in Daisies
2 February 2024

EAD in Daisies

The children have been enjoying creating and making different pieces of artwork this week. We have been practising our fine motor skills through copying and following different mark making techniques, we also have enjoyed our free choice painting where the children can create their own pieces of…

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Image of Developing Physical Development in Daisies
24 January 2024

Developing Physical Development in Daisies

Children enjoyed developing their gross motor skills outside with the use of balls. 


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Image of Daisies Painting
14 December 2023

Daisies Painting

Children creating their own pictures, linking to the idea of EAD. 


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Image of Daisies Mark-making
30 November 2023

Daisies Mark-making

The children enjoyed practising their literacy skills through mark-making activities. 



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