Dance in Team Meadow
In Dance, we have been taking inspiration from fireworks to create dance moves. The children created moves for a 'Catherine wheel' and a 'sparkler'.
Orienteering in Team Badgers
This week in PE, Team Badgers have been developing their team building skills focusing on their communication and movement to complete tasks in orienteering. They have been out on the field finding hidden cones and numbers to work out the clues as a group. Great communication everyone!
Medium level shapes in PE
The children enjoyed creating some medium level shapes in gymnastics.
PE in Starlings
Gymnastics - we learnt how to safely do a catspring onto a block.
Orienteering - we completed several team building games.
Super Gymnastics in Orchard
Orchard team have been super stars in gymnastics over the last couple of weeks. They have worked hard to create counter balances, rolls and shapes in the air (such as tuck and star) when performing a jump. They have also been challenged to include different apparatus in their routines, ranging…
PD in Daisies
LO: i enjoy running and jumping (with both feet on the ground).
The Daisies have been enjoying PE this morning, they have been practicing their running and jumping around the beach. The Daisies have been jumping over sandcastles and using the balls to knock down different sized sandcastles.
PE in Team Starlings
Summer is here! We have been enjoying practising our throwing and catching skills this week in preparation to play lots of cricket games this half term! We have been discussing the rules, top tips for cricket, and how to show good sportsmanship.
Sports Day 2024 - Team Daffodils
Team Daffodils were absolutely amazing during their first traditional Sports Day. They participated in every race brilliantly, sat patiently waiting for their turn and cheered on their Team together! We are all incredibly proud of each and every one of them!
Sunflowers have been practising for sports day, they can show a variety of skills such as throwing and catching and moving with confidence and co-ordination with a variety of techniques.
Forest School in Team Daffodils
This week, Team Daffodils have enjoyed exploring different parts of the school field. They've built houses out of the cut grass, worked as a team to move heavy objects and taken it in turns to push each other in the cars. We've also enjoyed an outdoor snack and tried some more summery…
Daffodils - Physical Development
We've had a brilliant first week back! This week, we've built obstacles courses outside, fixed our broken bus and practised writing our names, including the initial letter sound. Good job Team Daffodils!
Tag Rugby in Team Starlings
This half term we have been learning how to play tag rugby! We have enjoyed learning about how to use short sprints within a team game, how to effectively pass the rugby ball, and how to work as a team. Over the course of the next few weeks, we will continue to build our knowledge base as we work…