PE in Rabbits!
Rabbits have really enjoyed their Games unit this half term, in particular moving in different ways whilst handling a ball! They learnt skills such as bouncing the ball with a flat hand, looking at changing direction and challenging themselves with moving the ball in different ways!
Ball skills in PE
In PE, we have been practicing our ball skills. Children were using the sole of their foot to control the ball and the sides of their feet to kick the ball.
Football in Team Badgers
This term, Team Badgers have really enjoyed their unit on football. They have developed lots of skills including dribbling, passing, defending, shooting, goalkeeping and ball control. This week, they have put their skills to the test, engaging in a variety of activities in different stations,…
PE in Team Hedgehogs
This term, the children have been learning different gestures in Bollywood dancing. They have learnt the hand gestures: fan, peacock, happy sign, flute, bee, lotus and prayer. We've also learnt some footwork: basic, side touch and basic turn.
Team Starlings Learn the Hakka!
Team Starlings have had a lot of fun in dance this half term, where they have been learning the Hakka! The children have loved using their new knowledge to choreograph their own routines inspired by the Hakka. Well done, Team Starlings!
PE in Orchard
Orchard have been learning about street dance in their PE lessons this half term and have been incorporating parkour moves into their dance routines to travel from one location to another. They have used a lot of imagination and improvisation to create some super work - well done!
Dance in Team Meadow
In Dance, we have been taking inspiration from fireworks to create dance moves. The children created moves for a 'Catherine wheel' and a 'sparkler'.
Orienteering in Team Badgers
This week in PE, Team Badgers have been developing their team building skills focusing on their communication and movement to complete tasks in orienteering. They have been out on the field finding hidden cones and numbers to work out the clues as a group. Great communication everyone!
Medium level shapes in PE
The children enjoyed creating some medium level shapes in gymnastics.
PE in Starlings
Gymnastics - we learnt how to safely do a catspring onto a block.
Orienteering - we completed several team building games.
Super Gymnastics in Orchard
Orchard team have been super stars in gymnastics over the last couple of weeks. They have worked hard to create counter balances, rolls and shapes in the air (such as tuck and star) when performing a jump. They have also been challenged to include different apparatus in their routines, ranging…
PD in Daisies
LO: i enjoy running and jumping (with both feet on the ground).
The Daisies have been enjoying PE this morning, they have been practicing their running and jumping around the beach. The Daisies have been jumping over sandcastles and using the balls to knock down different sized sandcastles.