Sunflowers Maths
Sunflowers can describe and compare different capacities.
Sunflowers have been practising for sports day, they can show a variety of skills such as throwing and catching and moving with confidence and co-ordination with a variety of techniques.
Sunflowers - I can retell and Story fluently.
Sunflowers were able to re-tell our topic story, "On the Way Home" using actions and sentences.
We really enjoyed learning the story and developing our key vocabulary.
Sunflowers' Literacy
Sunflowers have been practising their writing. They have produced fantastic independent writing outcomes during continuous provision! WOW, keep up the amazing writing.
Sunflowers PSED - I can manage my emotions
This week we have been developing our strategies to manage our emotions. We used our Red to Blue guidance develop turtling, finger breaths and rainbow breathing whilst listening to calming music. We then created friendship cards to give to all our friends in class.
Sunflowers Map Skills
Sunflowers have created a map of the classroom and worked in partners to follow their maps to find hidden objects around the classroom.
Sunflowers - counting on
This week sunflower's have been practising counting on from a given number.
Sunflower STEM Day
Sunflowers have had so much fun experimenting outside in the water to see what objects float or sink. We predicted what we think might happen before carrying out the investigation.
Sunflowers Physical Development
This week Sunflowers have been developing confidence, competence, precision and accuracy when engaging in ball activities. We have been throwing, catching and kicking balls.
Sunflowers EAD
Sunflowers have been learning about an Artist Paul Smith. We have looked at his clay sculptures and discussed what we like. We have then designed and created our own rocket clay Sculptures.
Sunflowers PSED - my night time routine
Sunflowers for PSED talked together how to help myself go to sleep. We created amazing step by step guides.
Sunflowers Communication and Language
Sunflowers enjoyed Little Town. We confidently articulated and sequenced our speech. We loved interacting with our friends and taking it in turns on each role play zone.