EAD in Sunflowers
The children have been expressing their creativity with our autumn leaves. They have been using the paint sticks to leaf print onto the paper.
Literacy in Sunflowers
The children have been practicing their formation and blending of CVC words such as pig and cat.
They were able to complete this task by sounding out the sounds.
Maths in Sunflowers
This week the children have been comparing numbers and sorting into different categories of size and colour.
UoW in Sunflowers
The children have been understanding andtalking about how they have changed. They also spoke about what people can look like as they change and the types of features or characteristics that change as they grow older.
gallery:UoW in Sunflowers}
PD in Sunflowers
The children have been practising gross motor skills by balcing on the trim trail and moving safely with the bikes in our outdoor area.
Sunflowers Phonics Workshop
The children have been practicing our literacy and phonics skills. We practiced the formation of the graphemes we have been learning and practicing within class.
Welcome to Sunflowers!
The children have enjoyed creating their own sunflowers for our display.
Sunflowers Maths
Sunflowers can describe and compare different capacities.
Sunflowers have been practising for sports day, they can show a variety of skills such as throwing and catching and moving with confidence and co-ordination with a variety of techniques.
Sunflowers - I can retell and Story fluently.
Sunflowers were able to re-tell our topic story, "On the Way Home" using actions and sentences.
We really enjoyed learning the story and developing our key vocabulary.
Sunflowers' Literacy
Sunflowers have been practising their writing. They have produced fantastic independent writing outcomes during continuous provision! WOW, keep up the amazing writing.
Sunflowers PSED - I can manage my emotions
This week we have been developing our strategies to manage our emotions. We used our Red to Blue guidance develop turtling, finger breaths and rainbow breathing whilst listening to calming music. We then created friendship cards to give to all our friends in class.