Image of Daffodils - Maths
10 May 2024

Daffodils - Maths

This week, Team Daffodils have been learning about the cardinal principle. We have counted different amounts throughout the week and identified that the last number we say is the number we have altogether. We have also tried matching amounts to numerals. Good job Daffodils!

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Image of Name Writing
10 May 2024

Name Writing

The children in Daisies have been practising their name writing and recognisition. Some of the children were able to form the letters independently. 


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Image of Saving Lives in Team Starlings- PSHE- Emergency Aid!
7 May 2024

Saving Lives in Team Starlings- PSHE- Emergency Aid!

In PSHE, we have been learning how to use the recovery position to help a person in an emergency situation. We carefully followed each step and had a go at putting our friends into the recovery position. This is a fantastic life skill and we are very proud of how sensibly Team Starlings approached…

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Image of Coastal Landforms: Geography in Team Starlings
7 May 2024

Coastal Landforms: Geography in Team Starlings

This week we have been learning all about Coastal Landforms, including beaches, bays, headlands and cliffs. We have enjoyed hearing about how these different coastal landforms are caused by erosion, and have drawn beautiful pictures to demonstrate our learning! Next week, we are going to be…

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Image of C&L in Daisies
3 May 2024

C&L in Daisies

The children in Daisies have been developing their communication and language skills through our daily tales toolkit sessions. 


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Image of Daisies- Parent Workshop
3 May 2024

Daisies- Parent Workshop

We welcomed the parents into our "in the garden" workshop. Where we planted seeds and explored the outdoor environment.


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Image of Daffodils - PSED
3 May 2024

Daffodils - PSED

This week in Team Daffodils, we have been thinking about our friends and what they do that is kind. We've taken it in turns to share what we like about our friends. In our provision, we've been thinking about how to show we are good friends by sharing. 

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Image of Geometry in Team Starlings
2 May 2024

Geometry in Team Starlings

We have been enjoying Geometry in Team Starlings this wee! We have looked at angle facts, shape facts, the difference between regular and irregular polygons, how to find missing angles, how to use a protractor, and even how to spot parallel and diagonal lines within polygons! 

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Image of Tag Rugby in Team Starlings
2 May 2024

Tag Rugby in Team Starlings

This half term we have been learning how to play tag rugby! We have enjoyed learning about how to use short sprints within a team game, how to effectively pass the rugby ball, and how to work as a team. Over the course of the next few weeks, we will continue to build our knowledge base as we work…

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Image of RE in Team Starlings
2 May 2024

RE in Team Starlings

This week in Team Starlings we have started a new topic looking at the 'Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus.' We have been learning all about what happened on Palm Sunday, how Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and flipped tables over in the temple! We have been enjoying linking our new…

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1 May 2024

Sunflowers Map Skills

Sunflowers have created a map of the classroom and worked in partners to follow their maps to find hidden objects around the classroom. 

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Image of PSED in Daisies
26 April 2024

PSED in Daisies

The children in Daisies have been developing our PSED throigh different activities such as circle time emotion sessions where we spoke about how we feel and what could happen to make these emotions occur. We also have been exploring the outdoor environment where we developed our take turning…

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