History in Team Badgers
Last week, Badgers finished their topic on Cradles of Civilisation by exploring the ancient artwork from civilisations including Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley and the Shang. They looked at what materials were used for different sculptures, as well as the similarities and differences between…
PSHE: Big Questions in Team Starlings!
This week in PSHE we have been asking some big questions, including whether 'money matters?' Children have explored what wealth looks like all over the world, and what makes people happy who have very similar lives, and very different lives to them. We have been so impressed with the insightful…
Music in Orchard
This half term Orchard have looked at music from World War II. They have thought about the meaning behind the songs and have even learnt to sing The White Cliffs of Dover considering change in pitch.
Amazing Art in Orchard!
Orchard have worked exceptionally hard this half term creating artwork that allowed them to have their voice heard. They have thought about different artists and techniques they could imitate that focus on light and have created some very powerful pieces of work. Well done everyone!
Science in Team Hedgehogs
To end our unit on electricity, we had a lesson about being safe around electricity and the dangers in and around the home. We created advice posters to remind people what to do and not do.
Exciting English in Team Starlings!
Team Starlings have been working very hard this week to create some absolutely fantastic fairytales with 'a twist!' We have been reading 'The Lost Happy Endings' and have been inspired to include lots of amazing descriptive language, gruesome characters, and twisted endings!
UOW in Daisies
LO: i can describe my local area.
This week the children have been exploring the outdoor area on the bikes and scooters, they have been look around them to see what they can find. The Daisies have decribed the different buildings around them.
Well done Daisies!
PE in Team Hedgehogs
This term, the children have been learning different gestures in Bollywood dancing. They have learnt the hand gestures: fan, peacock, happy sign, flute, bee, lotus and prayer. We've also learnt some footwork: basic, side touch and basic turn.
Playing the Blues in Team Starlings!
In Team Starlings we have been learning the '12-bar-blues!" The class have enjoyed playing along to the 'Moanin' Lisa Blues' and have learnt how to play chords, scales, and riffs on the glockenspiel. Well done, Team Starlings!
Amazing Art in Team Starlings!
This week in Team Starlings we have been creating self-portraits using mixed-media. The children have enjoyed using a variety of resources including paints, water-colours and collage materials to create portraits 'with a message' behind them. They have done a wonderful job and have thoroughly…
RE in Team Hedgehogs
This term, we have been learning about The Birth of Jesus in our RE lessons. This week, we learnt about the meanings behind some well known Christmas Carols, and how they link to the story of Jesus's birth.
Christmas workshop
LO: i can develop my own ideas and build using a variety of materials.
The Daisies had a lovely time during the Christmas workshop, they showed their singing skills and created some Christmas crafts with their families.
Well done Daisies!