C&L in Daisies
LO: i can recognise and point/ get objects if i am asked abiut them.
This week the children have been working on their listening skills. The Daisies have been using this new skill when they are asked to tidy up, find and collect their coats/ water bottles.
Well done Daisies!
Daisies PSED
LO: i am developing in confidence to choose my own toys to play with, snack to eat and what to wear.
this week the Daisies have come into the room and enjoyed all the different activities we had set out for them. The Daisies have confidently chosen what areas to play at and have started…
Algorithms in Team Meadow
In computing, Team Meadow have been learning about algorithms. The children created instructions on how to make a cheese sandwich, thinking about how these instructions would need to be written for a 'computer'.
Music in Team Meadow
The children have been learning about orchestral instruments. They have been thinking about which orchestral instruments they could hear in different pieces of music.
Egyptian Art in Team Badgers
This term for Art in Team Badgers, we are exploring the art and expression used by the Ancient Egyptians. The children learned that the Egyptians didnt have white paper to write on, so they used a tea stain technique to create a more rustic, Egpytian style background. With their understanding of…
Geography in Orchard
Orchard have begun their new unit in Geography this week all about deserts. They have been learning how to identify a desert and what the climate is like there.
Computing in Team Badgers
This term, our unit in computing is iProgram using Scratch. For lesson 1- iMove, children have begun to understand the concept of instruction by explored the Scratch program, selecting a sprite character and using coding instruction to move the sprite across the screen.
Fantastic French in Orchard
This week Orchard have begun their new French topic all about French football champions. We have started to learn some key vocabulary which the children will use throughout the unit and made some flash cards to help us retain the knowledge.
Art in Team Hedgehogs
In preparation for our Remembrance Assembly on Friday, Team Hedgehogs painted some beautiful watercolour poppy fields. It was the first bit of painting we had done in Year 4, and we were really proud of the effects we were able to create. We also enjoyed seeing each other's paintings and seeing…
EAD in Daffodils
Over the half term, Daffodils have enjoyed learning lots of nursery rhymes. We have enjoyed favourites such as Humpty Dumpty, One, two buckle my shoe and five little monkeys. We have also used playdough to develop our fine motor skills whilst we sing along to our nursery rhymes! Here we are…
Happy Diwali from Team Badgers!
This week, Team Badgers have concluded their RE learning with a class assembly on the festival of Diwali. They impressively role played and told the story of Rama and Sita, as well as the festive activities of diya lamp making and rangoli patterns. They also learned about the celebration over the…
Orienteering in Team Badgers
This week in PE, Team Badgers have been developing their team building skills focusing on their communication and movement to complete tasks in orienteering. They have been out on the field finding hidden cones and numbers to work out the clues as a group. Great communication everyone!