DT in Starlings
Our DT project this half term was to create a Steady Hand game.
We began by discussing form and function and then researched and analysed a range of children's toys. After that, we identified the features of a steady hand game, including the circuit that needed to go inside.
We then…
UOW in Daisies
LO: I can describe my local area.
the Daisies have been telling us all about the local area. They could name the different places around them, such as: the park, the shop, school and bod. The Daisies then told us what they do at each place.
well done Daisies!
Orienteering in Team Hedgehogs
This week, Team Hedgehogs were able to continue their OAA learning and the sun even came out! They've built on their teamwork skills over the term, and had to combine finding the cones and unbreaking a code. Their teamwork and anagram solving skills really impressed Mr Withers and it was a great…
Food chains
In Year 2, we've been learning about food chains. Children enjoyed drawing their pictures of a producer, prey and predator from different habitats.
Medium level shapes in PE
The children enjoyed creating some medium level shapes in gymnastics.
Making baby bear's chair!
This week, we finished creating our chair for baby bear! We've been learning all about strength and stability.
Maths in Sunflowers
This week the children have been comparing numbers and sorting into different categories of size and colour.
Ancient Egyptians in Team Badgers
After a fantastic Egyptian day the previous week, Team Badgers have continued exploring how Ancient Egypt had changed over time. We explored the evolution of pyramids and how the Egyptians built these more efficiently over time, Tutankhamun is an Egyptians ruler we are learning about and we…
Marvellous Maths in Orchard
This week in maths we have been making links to our times table knowledge and learning all about common multiples, common factors and prime numbers. Well done everyone you have been really resilient!
National Award Nomination for Streethay!
NASEN is the National Association for Special Educational Needs. It’s a charitable organisation which exists to support and champion those working with, and for, children and young people with special educational needs and learning differences.
For the last fourteen years, Nasen have held…
RE in Team Hedgehogs
This week, the children have consolidated their learning on their unit of Christianity and the family of Jesus. They've thought about why the stories they've learnt about are important to Christians.
UOW in Daffodils
Daffodils have been exploring what they can do now compared with when they were a baby. We have been enjoying playing in our babies room in our role play area. The children have been looking after the babies and talking about how they have grown. They have been caring for the babies by keeping…