Measurement in Maths
We have been looking at length in Maths this term, using both centimetres and metres as our unit of measurement.
The 99 names of Allah
In RE we have been learning about the 99 names of Allah and the meaning behind some of these. Children were coming up with their own names that they believe represent how powerful Allah is to Muslims.
Healthy Eating Workshop- Team Starlings
We have had a real treat today in Team Starlings, with James from the Co-op coming in to do a 'Healthy Eating Workshop' with us. We have discussed the different food groups and their importance in our diets, and what it means to have a balanced plate. We then got to go to the shop and choose a…
Book Time with Daffodils
This week we've introduce 'Book Time' in Daffodils. Together, we've talked about how to take care of books and started looking at how to read stories before we can read words. The children have enjoyed getting cosy in the book corner and on the carpet with their books.
Ukulele in Badgers
This week in our Ukulele lesson, the children have been recapping and practising chord G7. They embedded this learning by playing a song containing this chord. They also worked on moving between different chords a little more quickly. Finally, they practised part singing, by splitting the class in…
Marvellous Maths
In Maths this week we have been comparing numbers to 20. We have been finding the difference between 2 numbers between 11 and 20, and then explaining how we know. For example- We know 11 is less than 15, we can see with the cubes they both have a 10 but 11 has 1 extra, where as 15 has 5 extra. We…
Sunflowers EAD - I can use different forms of paint
Sunflowers have explored using different forms of paint. We used water to paint various items. We had a dog, a ,monster and we wrote our names.
The River Rhine- Geography in Team Starlings
In Geography, we have been building upon our knowledge of rivers, delving into the amazing wonders of The River Rhine. We have been learning about it's source, the places that it travels through, and the climate surrounding it. As we continue this topic over the course of the half term, we will…
Couleurs, tailles et formes françaises!
Salut! Team Starlings have been enjoying learning all about colours, sizes, and shapes recently in French lessons. We have been practising our vocabulary in order to describe classroom objects in terms of how big or small they are, their colour, and their shape. Over the next few weeks we will be…
Marvellous Myths in Team Starlings
In Team Starlings, we are reading 'Kai and The Monkey King,' thinking all about ancient Chinese Mythical creatures and artefacts. This week, we have been putting ourselves in the characters' shoes, writing letters and diary entries from their perspectives. Over the next few weeks we will be…
History in Hedgehogs
This week in History we have been continuing with our topic of the Roman Republic and, in particular, learning about why Rome became a Republic. Romulus was the first king of Rome and after he had died Rome continued to grow stronger with each new king. We know that Rome had 7 Kings. Tarquin the…
Computing on the move!
In Team Badgers, we have been preparing to bring home our i.Pads so that our computing and all of our learning is really 'on the move'! In our lesson this week, we revised how to stay safe online and set up our accounts on Times Table Rock Stars so that we can practise our maths along with other…