Daffodils Forest School
This week Daffodils class explored the forest school area. We had a great time picking daisies, waving long grass in the wind and breaking up the ice in the mud kitchen. We all remembered our kind hands and made sure that everyone was welcomed in our games. Daffodils have asked to go back to…
Starlings PSHE
Today in PSHE we have been discussing rumours, name-calling, and how to deal with bullying. We have created 'Snakes and Ladders' games which show positive actions to overcome bullying, (the ladders), and negative responses, (the snakes.) We have enjoyed playing these games and discussing the…
Daffodils Class Christmas Events
Daffodils class loved their Rudolph Run last Friday - most managed to stay upright! They were very excited to meet Santa as well.
Geography in Meadow
In Geography this term we have created a travel brochure on 'Visiting New Places'. We looked at how we can travel to these places, how we can travel around these places and the exciting attractions you can visit in these countries!
Felt Making in Meadow
We had so much fun creating our felt in Art this term.
PSHE in Meadow
In PSHE we've been learning about how to be kind to one another. We choose two children in the class to be "playground people". If children feel that they do not have anybody to play with, they are able to approach our "playground people" and they can join in with…
Minibeast Hunt in Meadows
Team Meadow loved going on a minibeast hunt to see which minibeasts live on our school grounds!
Sunflowers C&L - I can articulate my ideas and thoughts in well-formed sentences.
Sunflower really enjoyed their Christmas play! They retold the Christmas story.
Equivalent Fractions in Team Starlings
We have been working hard in Team Starlings this week, looking at equivalent fractions! We have been ordering fractions with mixed denominators, converting mixed numbers to improper fractions, and putting fractions onto a number line. If you're looking for someone to help you equally divide up the…
Science in Hedgehogs
This half term in science we have been learning about electricity and circuits. Today we have created an advice poster about being safe around electricity in the home.
Starlings RE: Christmas Carols!
In RE, we have been learning about the reason for the season! As well as practising our Christmas songs for next week, we have also been looking atthe history behind carols, and analysing what they mean! We have learnt about the birth of Jesus, the visitation of the shepherds and magi, and talked…
Reindeer Run in Team Starlings!
Run, run, Rudolph! Team Starlings really enjoyed their reindeer run this afternoon, with a fantastic cheerful attitude, encouraging each other and smiling the whole time! As a school, we have raised over a whopping £2,000 for St Giles Hospice- your generosity is incredible!
In PE this half…