Team Starlings English Work
This week in English, Team Starlings have created some beautiful leaflets all about Landfill. We have researched the pros and cons of landfill, suitable alternatives, and what we can do to help the issue! We have been very impressed with the colourful, neat presentation, and the children's effort…
Daffodils - Tales ToolKit - C&L
This week, Team Daffodils have been drawing the character from our story. After drawing the character, we described what she looks like and how she might feel. We also had a go at retelling some of the important parts from the story.
Tales ToolKit in Daffodils
This week, Team Daffodils have been innovating our Tales ToolKit story. We have changed the dinosaur character to a different animal or person. The children in Team Daffodils have done an excellent job of drawing their new characters. We've had everything from princesses to unicorns!
Team Starlings Space Summaries!
In English, we have been researching biographies, as next week we are going to be writing a biography about astronaut Chris Hadfield. This week, we have been reading all about Neil Armstrong, and looking at the features of a biography in order to use them in our own. We have enjoyed researching…
Daffodils - Little Town Workshop
Last week, the Daffodils explored a Little Town in the school hall. We enjoyed role playing in the different areas; particularly where there were costumes to try on and vehicles to ride. There was lots of excitement and we all had lots of fun playing with new friends in our Team Daffodils.
Rabbits- Editing and Polishing
In English we are editing our writing by using red 'teacher' pens, to spot our mistakes and make corrections. We are then polishing our work by writing up the finished product in our neatest handwriting. We are so grown up checking and correcting our work all by ourselves.
World Book Day in Rabbits
We had a fantastic day for World Book Day! We loved dressing up as our favourite characters and sharing our books with our friends and teachers. We had such a lovely morning taking part in the World Book Day activities and we already can't wait for next year!
Sunflowers Tales Toolkit
Sunflowers did amazing writing on our book 'Astro Girl' our writing was on the the character and setting in the story.
Tales ToolKit in Daffodils
This week, we have been exploring our new non-fiction text about doctors. We have turned our non-fiction text into a story. In our story, we have identified the characters, who are Doctor Mani and Toney. We have looked at where the story is set and what the problem and solution are. The children…
Team Badgers become Mary Anning!
In Team Badgers, our English unit this half-term has been based on the famous palaeontologist, Mary Anning! This was a fiction text but based on the true story of her life. We have practised using a greater range of adverbs for different cause, a wider range of conjunctions and lots of other…
Writing in Hedgehogs
This week during our writing lessons we have been identifying some key features of a journal entry and then we have been planning our own journal entries to retell the story of Our Tower. We have used Showbie to create our plans and we have created a word bank as a class to help us with our…
English in Team Meadow
The children have been doing some excellent writing this week in Team Meadow. They have been trying really hard to ensure they are including all of their mastery and gateway keys.