English in Rabbits!
Based on the story The Lion Inside, the children have been writing sentences about the lion and mouse and using their knowledge of question marks, thought of some questions that they would like to ask them. We have used fantastic describing words to describe the setting as well as using some…
Maths in Rabbits!
We have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes over the last few weeks in Rabbits. We have been explaining the differences between a 2D and 3D shape and finding these shapes around school! We have continued repeated patterns and grouping 2D shapes based on their properties.
PE in Rabbits!
Rabbits have really enjoyed their Games unit this half term, in particular moving in different ways whilst handling a ball! They learnt skills such as bouncing the ball with a flat hand, looking at changing direction and challenging themselves with moving the ball in different ways!
Geography in Rabbits!
This half term has been about living in the countryside and the importance of caring for the countryside. Children have learnt about green spaces and the countryside code.
PSHE in Rabbits!
We have really enjoyed 'celebrating difference' in Rabbits this half term! Each week the children added items of clothing to their Gingerbread Man. They discussed similarities and differences with their partners, what is bullying and the key adults they should to if they saw it happening at…
History in Rabbits!
Rabbits have been comparing what life was like in the past up to the present day. We have compared similarities and differences in transport, fashion, schooling and how homes have changed over time!
Computing in Rabbits!
Over the last few weeks we have become human robots! We have thought about the meaning of algorithms and why giving clear, precise instructions are important when using technology. Our favourite lesson was when we had to listen carefully to our partner's instruction and perform the command exactly…
All About Materials in Rabbits!
The children have worked extremely hard when it comes to learning every day materials and their properties. We loved becoming Material Detectives and exploring our outdoor area! We found so many different objects and materials! We have also started learning about different properties of materials…
Snail and the Mouse
Rabbits have been following a story called Snail and the Mouse in Music this half term, with a focus on exploring tempo. Throughout the weeks, Rabbits have used body percussion, singing and untuned instruments to help them understand the difference in tempo when listening to a piece of music. We…
Make Your Mark in Rabbits!
This half term, the children have looked carefully at different lines that can be used to make marks. Looking at artists such as Zaria Forman and Bridget Riley, the children had a go at creating an individual piece of abstract art and a group piece. Finally, the children learnt the skill of…
Geography in Rabbits!
In Geography, Rabbits have learnt what it is like to live in a city. We have explored our local environment and have distinguished between physical and human features of Lichfield and Birmingham.
Numbers to 20 in Rabbits!
Rabbits have been exploring numbers between 11-20. They have learnt skills such as 'making ten' and counting on to find the total amount. They have also used counters and tens frames to represent their '-teen' number.