Height and Length in Team Rabbits
In Maths we have been learning all about height and length. We used our new vocabulary- tall, taller, tallest, small, smaller, smallest and long, longer, longest. We then used the cubes to measure objects in our classroom.
Healthy Me PSHE
In PSHE we have been learning about how to be healthy and why. We discussed how we feel so much better about ourselves when we make healthy choices and look after our bodies.
World Book Day in Rabbits
We had a fantastic day for World Book Day! We loved dressing up as our favourite characters and sharing our books with our friends and teachers. We had such a lovely morning taking part in the World Book Day activities and we already can't wait for next year!
In PE this week we have been practising our football skills. We have really improved since the autumn term!
In Geography we are learning about 'Seasonal changes'. We are comparing extreme weathers across the globe to the weather we have here in England. This week we learnt what a 'drought' is. We looked at how a drought in Somalia can be life threatening compared to a drought in the UK, which would…
Lichfield Cathedral
We have been to visit Lichfield Cathedral today. We loved learning about the building and having a look around. We have learnt lots of facts and we loved looking at the stain glass windows. We even got to sing our Easter song in the Cathedral!
History-Robert the Bruce and the Spider
Our new topic in History is 'Stories about the past'. We have recently learnt about Robert the Bruce and the spider.
We listened the story and discussed it and then we re-enacted it by freeze framing.
The Easter Story
We have been learning about the Easter story in RE. We are reenacting the different parts of Easter ready for our Easter Show at the end of March. Here we have just learnt about 'Palm Sunday'.
The Senses
In Science we have been learning about the senses. We had a really exciting lesson in which one pupil got to wear Miss Hems' scarf and then had to guess the object using their senses. We played a video clip of the noise it made, we smelt it, we touched it, and we even got to taste it! It was…
Marvellous Maths
In Maths this week we have been comparing numbers to 20. We have been finding the difference between 2 numbers between 11 and 20, and then explaining how we know. For example- We know 11 is less than 15, we can see with the cubes they both have a 10 but 11 has 1 extra, where as 15 has 5 extra. We…
Excellent English
In English this week we have been working really hard on connecting two ideas by including 'and' when looking at our new book 'The Lion Inside'. Look at our amazing writing!
Music in Rabbits
In Music we have been practicing for our KS1 christmas concert with Year 2. We are so exctied to sing to all of you and show you what we have been learning! We hope you enjoy it as much as we have enjoyed learning all the songs.