Reading Line Graphs in Team Starlings
This week in Team Starlings we have been interpreting data from tables and line graphs. We have been working on comparing multiple lines on one line graph, finding information from a line graph, and answering problem solving questions based on information given.
PSHE: Big Questions in Team Starlings!
This week in PSHE we have been asking some big questions, including whether 'money matters?' Children have explored what wealth looks like all over the world, and what makes people happy who have very similar lives, and very different lives to them. We have been so impressed with the insightful…
Exciting English in Team Starlings!
Team Starlings have been working very hard this week to create some absolutely fantastic fairytales with 'a twist!' We have been reading 'The Lost Happy Endings' and have been inspired to include lots of amazing descriptive language, gruesome characters, and twisted endings!
Playing the Blues in Team Starlings!
In Team Starlings we have been learning the '12-bar-blues!" The class have enjoyed playing along to the 'Moanin' Lisa Blues' and have learnt how to play chords, scales, and riffs on the glockenspiel. Well done, Team Starlings!
Amazing Art in Team Starlings!
This week in Team Starlings we have been creating self-portraits using mixed-media. The children have enjoyed using a variety of resources including paints, water-colours and collage materials to create portraits 'with a message' behind them. They have done a wonderful job and have thoroughly…
Team Starlings learn about Nuh's Ark!
Team Starlings have thoroughly enjoyed learning the story of Nuh's Ark in their RE lessons! Children have learnt all about how the flood came to be, and how the flood ended. Well done with your hard work, Team Starlings!
Cordoba: History in Team Starlings!
This half term in Team Starlings, we have been looking at the city of Cordoba, and how it faced conflict, change, and adaptation over the course of many centuries. Team Starlings have enjoyed learning about the 'City of Light' and have delighted in sharing all of the new information they have…
Team Starlings Learn the Hakka!
Team Starlings have had a lot of fun in dance this half term, where they have been learning the Hakka! The children have loved using their new knowledge to choreograph their own routines inspired by the Hakka. Well done, Team Starlings!
Amazing Mazes in Team Starlings!
In computing this week, we have been using our amazing coding skills to create some incredible maze games! Team Starlings have worked hard to use boolean variables, 'if-then' statements and loops to successfully create some excellent maze games.
Scientific Starlings!
This week in Science, Team Starlings have been looking at the properties of materials. In this picture, we are testing the hardness of various materials by seeing how easy it is to scratch them. We then used our magnifying glass to see if there were any visible marks on our objects.
French in Space in Team Starlings!
No only are Team Starlings amazing scientists who can tell you all about space, they can now tell you in French! We have enjoyed learning lots of new vocabulary this week and look forward to learning even more French words about our Solar System.
Geographical Graphs in Team Starlings!
This week in Geography, we have been looking at the climate in the Gobi Desert, including how much rainfall there is across the year, as well as how much the temperature varies. We were very surprised by our research and enjoyed plotting our data onto this graph!