French in Starlings
During our French lessons this half term we are creating Monster Pets!
This week we have been learning the French version of 'head, shoulders, knees and toes'. Then we moved onto naming different body parts in French and recognising whether they are masculine, feminine or plurals.
Next, we…
Maths in Starlings
This week, during maths, we have been comparing 6 digit numbers. We have also worked hard on our presentation in our books.
Welcome to Team Starlings!
We have had a wonderful first week back at school. Team Starlings have worked so hard all week and on creating their masterpieces for our display!
We are all so excited for the year ahead :)
Ancient Aksum- History in Team Starlings!
We have been thoroughly enjoying our History lessons in Team Starlings this week, looking at the astonishing churches, hewn into rock thousands of meters above the ground! We saw worshippers take on the perilous journey, and marvelled at the beautiful artefacts found inside.
Starling Soliloquy Success!
This week in Team Starlings we have been writing and performing our amazing soliloquies based on the 'Bold and Brave Women of Shakespeare.' I have been so impressed by the quality of writing and the superb presentation! Well done, Team Starlings!
PSHE in Team Starlings
In PSHE we have been looking at online communities and the rights and responsibilities that we have when using online spaces. We have enjoyed sharing ideas about how we can stay safe online, how we can use the internet to create positive change, and how we can safely and sensibly interact with…
Geography in Team Starlings
In Geography, we have been learning all about the tourism industry and thinking about what makes someone a 'tourist.' We have been looking at different places that people like to go on holiday, such as the mountains, a seaside, or a city, and what kids of things tourists like to do in these…
Maths in Team Starlings!
Team Starlings have been navigating the tricky topic of 'volume' this week, and have taken every challenge in their stride! We have enjoyed making various 3D objects out of cubes, calculating their volume, and giving each other virtual volume challenges! Keep up the super work, Team…
PE in Team Starlings
Summer is here! We have been enjoying practising our throwing and catching skills this week in preparation to play lots of cricket games this half term! We have been discussing the rules, top tips for cricket, and how to show good sportsmanship.
RE in Team Starlings
In RE we have been learning about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and how Christianity began. We have enjoyed hearing about Jesus' disciples and their reactions to seeing Jesus after Easter Sunday, as well as learning about what Christians mean when they talk about the Holy…
Discovering Musical Theatre in Team Starlings!
This week in Music, we have been learning all about 'Musical Theatre' and the difference between 'Character Songs' and 'Action Songs.' We really enjoyed watching clips from various musicals and deciding what the purpose behind the song was. Over the next few weeks, we will be creating our very own…
Installation Art in Team Starlings!
This week in Team Starlings, we have created our very own 'Installation Art!' We have taken cardboard boxes and use techniques such as throwing, shaking, splashing, and flicking different materials around to create an 'explosion' effect inside our boxes. We have then photographed them to give the…