RE in Team Starlings
In RE, we have been learning about Judaism, and hearing the story of how the Jews were brought out of captivity to the promised land, and how Jewish people celebrate their history today. We have heard about where many traditions, festivals, and holy days originated, and have enjoyed hearing all…
Team Starlings Tackle Decimals!
We have moved onto converting decimal numbers to fractions, and fraction numbers to decimals in team Starlings. The class have faced this tricky challenge with a positive attitude and have come on leaps and bounds! We have been so impressed with the budding mathematicians amongst us. Over the next…
Street dancing Starlings!
We have been having so much fun creating our own street dance routines in Team Starlings! We have been looking at different ways that our bodies can move, moving in time with the music, and keeping time with a dance partner. Over the next few weeks, we will be developing our routines further and…
Starlings Sing 'Shosholoza!'
In music this half term, we have been learning the 'Shosholoza,' a West African song that is traditionally sung in a round. We have enjoyed learning the words, singing different parts, practising chords on the glockenspiels, and even leaning some traditional dance moves to enhance our performance!…
Building Bridges in Team Starlings!
In DT, we have been building 'Truss' bridges, using saws to cut wood to a particular length, glue guns to stick pieces together, and cardboard triangles to reinforce the structure. We have had a lot of fun making our bridges together, and have learnt a lot of new practical skills!
Day and Night- Science in Team Starlings
This week in Team Starlings, we have been learning about the Earth's axis, tilt, rotation, and orbit. We have used plasticine balls and torches to help us understand why we have day and night- demonstrating how when the earth rotates, half faces towards the sun, (daytime), and half faces away from…
Vector Drawing in Team Starlings
In our computing lessons this half term, we have been learning how to create digital art using vector line drawing. This involves taking simple shapes and lines and layering them to create an image. We have been inspired by Matisse's 'Vegetables' and have now moved on to creating our own images by…
History in Team Starlings- The Roman Republic!
This week in Team Starlings we have been learning all about the Roman Republic. We have learnt about what happened after the death of King Romulus, and learnt lots of new vocabulary! We heard about the many Kings of Rome, the loved and the not-so-loved, and about how the Romans decided to rid…
Starlings Space Trip!
What a fantastic trip we had this week to the National Space Centre! Team Starlings had a brilliant time learning all about our Solar System. Highlights included seeing a real rocket, (pictured), an actual piece of the moon itself, a fantastic Planetarium experience, zooming around the solar…
Healthy Eating Workshop- Team Starlings
We have had a real treat today in Team Starlings, with James from the Co-op coming in to do a 'Healthy Eating Workshop' with us. We have discussed the different food groups and their importance in our diets, and what it means to have a balanced plate. We then got to go to the shop and choose a…
The River Rhine- Geography in Team Starlings
In Geography, we have been building upon our knowledge of rivers, delving into the amazing wonders of The River Rhine. We have been learning about it's source, the places that it travels through, and the climate surrounding it. As we continue this topic over the course of the half term, we will…
Couleurs, tailles et formes françaises!
Salut! Team Starlings have been enjoying learning all about colours, sizes, and shapes recently in French lessons. We have been practising our vocabulary in order to describe classroom objects in terms of how big or small they are, their colour, and their shape. Over the next few weeks we will be…