Equivalent Fractions in Team Starlings
We have been working hard in Team Starlings this week, looking at equivalent fractions! We have been ordering fractions with mixed denominators, converting mixed numbers to improper fractions, and putting fractions onto a number line. If you're looking for someone to help you equally divide up the…
Starlings RE: Christmas Carols!
In RE, we have been learning about the reason for the season! As well as practising our Christmas songs for next week, we have also been looking atthe history behind carols, and analysing what they mean! We have learnt about the birth of Jesus, the visitation of the shepherds and magi, and talked…
Reindeer Run in Team Starlings!
Run, run, Rudolph! Team Starlings really enjoyed their reindeer run this afternoon, with a fantastic cheerful attitude, encouraging each other and smiling the whole time! As a school, we have raised over a whopping £2,000 for St Giles Hospice- your generosity is incredible!
In PE this half…
Representing Streethay in Archery
Some children from KS2 had the opportunity to attend an archery competition at Erasmus Darwin Academy where we were competing against other schools. Miss Haycox and Miss Badger were extremely proud of the children for demonstrating Streethay traits and values in how they approached the activity…
Playing the Blues in Team Starlings!
We have had so much fun playing 'The Blues' on our glockenspiels this half term! We've played along to 'The Moanin' Lisa Blues,' learnt the 12-bar-blues, and even improvised our own blues pieces with a backing track! We've learnt all about chords, scales, and rhythm, choosing specific notes to…
Pen Portraits in Team Starlings
We have been creating some truly fabulous 'Pen Portraits' in Art this half term, considering the words that we would use to describe ourselves and working them into a self-portrait. First, we used a 'one-line' technique to draw ourselves, then traced over our drawings using a variety of…
Coding in Team Starlings!
Team Starlings are becoming expert programmers, using code to make all sorts of amazing creations on 'Scratch.' This week, we have been designing mazes, and programming the 'sprite' ,(in the case, the beetle), to move through the maze without touching the black line. We are looking forward to…
Science in Team Starlings!
We have had a wonderful time experimenting with materials in Team Starlings today! We have been investigating which material is the best thermal insulator. We tested felt, bubble wrap and paper, wrote a very detailed method, making sure to include our control, independent, and dependent variables.…
Team Starlings- Alexander the Great
We absolutely love History in team Starlings, and have been very excited to dive headfirst into our topic of 'Alexander the Great,' this half term. This week, we have been hearing about the childhood and stories of Alexander of Macedon, in particular, his character trait of determination. Over the…
Compter en Français!
Salut! This week in French, Team Starlings have learnt to count all the way up to 31! We have been practising counting shapes, using colours, and even learning French jokes. We are building up towards being able to share our birthdays in French which will be a fantastic addition to the…
English in Team Starlings
We have been doing a lot of descriptive writing in Team Starlings this week, using everything from similes, to metaphors, to personification. The children have thoroughly enjoyed writing about the gruesome witch in the creepy forest, coming up with fantastic descriptions that have created a very…
Team Starlings- PSHE- Body Image
In PSHE this week we have been talking about our perception of 'self' and how the media can affect the way we view our bodies. We discussed what it means to be unique, and spoke about the huge variety of things that make up our individual identities. We also looked at some photoshopped images of…