PSHE in Orchard
Orchard have been looking at their dreams and goals in PSHE this half term. They have considered what their goal inside school and outside school might be and have thought about the steps they might take to get there.
Excellent English in Orchard
Orchard have been studying the book 'The Selfish Giant' by Oscar Wilde and have been learning all about the active and passive voice, as well as how to make sentences more formal. They have written some excellent monologues using this language, where they have taken on the role of the giant,…
Geography in Orchard
Team Orchard have been learning all about the water cycle in Geography, linking it to the state of California in America and considering why water there is so important.
Fantastic French in Orchard
Orchard have started their new topic in French and have been learning all about French Houses. They have practiced speaking and writing the names of key rooms.
Music in Orchard
This half term Orchard have looked at music from World War II. They have thought about the meaning behind the songs and have even learnt to sing The White Cliffs of Dover considering change in pitch.
Amazing Art in Orchard!
Orchard have worked exceptionally hard this half term creating artwork that allowed them to have their voice heard. They have thought about different artists and techniques they could imitate that focus on light and have created some very powerful pieces of work. Well done everyone!
Marvellous Maths
Orchard have been learning all about fractions and decimals in maths over the last few weeks, including how to turn a fraction into a decimal.
Computing in Orchard
Team Orchard have been using their coding skills in computing this half term to plan their very own computer game. They have had to think carefully about the aim of their game as well as the number of sprites and backgrounds they will need. We are looking forward to playing them in a couple of…
PE in Orchard
Orchard have been learning about street dance in their PE lessons this half term and have been incorporating parkour moves into their dance routines to travel from one location to another. They have used a lot of imagination and improvisation to create some super work - well done!
RE in Orchard
Orchard have been learning all about Islam this half term and have focused on stories of the prophets. They have found it really interesting to learn about these and see the links between many Christian stories they already new.
History in Orchard
Orchard have been learning all about Islamic Civilisations in History this half term and they have been thinking about the big question 'How did worlds come together in Muslim Corboda'.
English in Orchard
This week in English we have focused on identifying and using modal verbs and adverbs to show possibility. We have then used these to write sentences about the Windrush.