RE in Orchard
Orchard have been learning all about Islam this half term and have focused on stories of the prophets. They have found it really interesting to learn about these and see the links between many Christian stories they already new.
History in Orchard
Orchard have been learning all about Islamic Civilisations in History this half term and they have been thinking about the big question 'How did worlds come together in Muslim Corboda'.
English in Orchard
This week in English we have focused on identifying and using modal verbs and adverbs to show possibility. We have then used these to write sentences about the Windrush.
PSHE in Orchard
Orchard have been learning all about celebrating difference this half term. So far we have considered why the word normal means different things to different people and thought about why it is positive to be an individual.
Geography in Orchard
Orchard have begun their new unit in Geography this week all about deserts. They have been learning how to identify a desert and what the climate is like there.
Fantastic French in Orchard
This week Orchard have begun their new French topic all about French football champions. We have started to learn some key vocabulary which the children will use throughout the unit and made some flash cards to help us retain the knowledge.
Magical Music in Orchard
Orchard have really enjoyed their music learning this half term where they have explored dynamics, pitch and texture. Along with appraising the work of classical composers, they have worked together in small groups to improvise and then create group compositions.
Delightful DT in Orchard
Orchard have been working exceptionally hard on their DT project this half term. They have designed and made their own waistcoats and this week have completed them. We are so proud of what they have accomplished and the super craftsmanship they have displayed. Well done everyone!
Marvellous Maths in Orchard
This week in maths we have been making links to our times table knowledge and learning all about common multiples, common factors and prime numbers. Well done everyone you have been really resilient!
Computing in Orchard
The children have been thinking deeply in computing about staying safe online and cyberbullying. This week they have considered different online cyberbullying scenarios and have thought about how they might help a target, both publicly and privately, in a safe way.
Super Science in Orchard
This week in Science the children have wowed me when creating their own branching keys to classify different leaves. They have worked hard to identify the similarities and differences between them and come up with suitable questions to sort them. Well done everyone!
Super Gymnastics in Orchard
Orchard team have been super stars in gymnastics over the last couple of weeks. They have worked hard to create counter balances, rolls and shapes in the air (such as tuck and star) when performing a jump. They have also been challenged to include different apparatus in their routines, ranging…