RE in Orchard
In our RE learning, team Orchard have been exploring Muslim faith including their thoughts about family and community as well their belief in fasting and why they do this.
Orchard's History Learning
Orchard have been working really hard in History, learning all about Muhammad's life, his teachings and why they worried some of his followers.
Literacy in Daisies
LO: to use chunky mark making tools, held in whole hand palmar grip.
The Daisies have been practcing their mark making skills in their books. The Daisies enjoyed making pre writing shape during write dance, they could follow along to the music and was able to listen to and follow the…
PSED in Sunflowers
The children have bern creating their own emotion bottles to represent their own feelings. We also spoke about how to regulate our emotions within sunflowers.
Science in Starlings
Our Science lesson this week was very exciting!
We have been exploring filtration. We looked at when filtering should be used and how filtering separates mixtures.
Our experiment involved filtering water through cotton wool, a paper towel, filter paper and gauze.
Computing in Starlings
During our computing lesson we explored the concept of personal safety in real life and 'online life'.
We looked at the SMART rules for being safe online and then created a poster to show our knowledge.
Maths in Daffodils
This week in Maths, Daffodils have been using a pan balance to compare amounts. We explored how it 'goes down' when it has more. We continued to explore this in provision adding cubes to the buckets and observing which bucket had more or less. We practised using key vocabulary 'more' and 'less' to…
PSED in Daffodils
During our jigsaw session today, we explored jigsaw Jenie's favourite items from team daffodils. We discussed how we can play with these items and look after our toys. We then took turns to share our favourite toys in daffodils class. As a class, we are learning that we are all responsible for our…
C&L in Daffodils
Daffodils love playing games with Listening Lola! This week the children enjoyed playing 'where's Lola?'. They used their listening skills to take turns and find Lola.
C&L in Daisies
LO: i enjoy singing and making sounds.
This week the Daisies have been learning their new nursery rhyme of the week 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes'. The Daisies enjoy joining in with the actions and have lovely singing to go along with them.
Well done Daisies!
PSED in Daisies
LO: To find ways of managing transitions, for example from their parents to their key person.
this week the Daisies have been coming into the classroom and finding different way to settle in, the children have enjoyed playing with car track and in the kitchen role play area.
Well done…
Starlings at the Fire Station
We had a great time at the Fire Station :)
Firstly, we walked to the Lichfield Trent Valley train station which was very exciting! We made our way up the stairs to the platform and then boarded the train. We were very lucky because we had the whole carriage to ourselves! When we arrived at…