Marvellous Maths
Orchard have been learning all about fractions and decimals in maths over the last few weeks, including how to turn a fraction into a decimal.
Maths in Daisies
LO: I can compare size (big and small).
The Daisies have been working on their comparison skills between big and small, they have been using the blocks to build bigger and smaller towers and the figuring out what one is smaller or bigger.
Well done Daisies!
Maths in Team Hedgehogs
In maths this week, we have been applying our multiplication knowledge. We have been challenging our learning of commutativity, thinking about multiplication and division fact families. We have secured our understanding of multiplying and dividing a number by 1 and itself, as well as having a go…
Maths in Daffodils
Team Daffodils have been working hard to recite numbers to 5 and beyond! The children have been making the numberblocks and counting how many. We even had a competition to see who could make the largest numberblock, counting all the blocks! Well done.
Division in Team Badgers
Team Badgers have been using their 4 and 8 timestable knowledge this week for division of 2 digit numbers. We have used objects and base 10 to make equal groups to work out simple divisions.
Solving word problems in Maths
In Maths, we have been using the 'RUCSAC' method to solve worded problems involving multiplication.
Numbers to 20 in Rabbits!
Rabbits have been exploring numbers between 11-20. They have learnt skills such as 'making ten' and counting on to find the total amount. They have also used counters and tens frames to represent their '-teen' number.
Double Digit Multiplication in Team Starlings!
This week in maths, we have been multiplying 2-digit numbers by 2-giti numbers. Even though this has been tricky, Team Starlings have shown great perseverance and are making some super progress with their multiplication!
Maths in Sunflowers
This week the children have been comparing numbers and sorting into different categories of size and colour.
Marvellous Maths in Orchard
This week in maths we have been making links to our times table knowledge and learning all about common multiples, common factors and prime numbers. Well done everyone you have been really resilient!
It's All About Numbers in Rabbits!
This half term, Rabbits have been diving into understanding all about place value, number bonds and addition within 10! We have explored skills practically and have applied our new learning when answering questions. The children have really loved using pictorial representations such as a part,…
Maths in Daisies
LO: i can join in with number rhymes (counting patterns).
This week the Daisies have been exploring the number rhyme 5 little men in a flying saucer. The children have been using the rocket props to re create the actions while singing the rhyme. The children have shown good number recall and…