Multiplication in Team Rabbits
This week, Team Rabbits have been introduced to multiplication! Their first lesson was all about making equal groups and understanding that equal means the same! Using concrete manipulatives, we were able to use our reasoning skills and explain why the groups were equal.
Daffodils - Maths
This week, Team Daffodils have been learning about the cardinal principle. We have counted different amounts throughout the week and identified that the last number we say is the number we have altogether. We have also tried matching amounts to numerals. Good job Daffodils!
Geometry in Team Starlings
We have been enjoying Geometry in Team Starlings this wee! We have looked at angle facts, shape facts, the difference between regular and irregular polygons, how to find missing angles, how to use a protractor, and even how to spot parallel and diagonal lines within polygons!
Sunflowers - counting on
This week sunflower's have been practising counting on from a given number.
STEM in Hedgehogs
We have had lots of fun making marble runs during our STEM day! We have been competing to make the slowest marble run. We have worked in teams to create some AMAZING marble runs and the children are very proud of themselves. Well done team Hedgehogs, you have…
STEM in Starlings!
We have had SO much fun during out STEM day this week! We have been competing to make the slowest marble run, using our science, maths, design and technology knowledge around textures, friction, angles and speed to help us. We have created some MASTERPIECES and have really impressed our teacher…
Height and Length in Team Rabbits
In Maths we have been learning all about height and length. We used our new vocabulary- tall, taller, tallest, small, smaller, smallest and long, longer, longest. We then used the cubes to measure objects in our classroom.
Daffodils Forest School Maths
This week, Team Daffodils have been learning about smallest, small, big and biggest. The children compared objects in Forest School and decided who had the biggest.
Team Starlings Tackle Decimals!
We have moved onto converting decimal numbers to fractions, and fraction numbers to decimals in team Starlings. The class have faced this tricky challenge with a positive attitude and have come on leaps and bounds! We have been so impressed with the budding mathematicians amongst us. Over the next…
Maths in Hedgehogs
This week in our maths lessons we have started a new unit about graphs. We have focused on drawing the graphs with a pencil and a ruler and making sure that they are plotted in the correct place. We have also been practicing reading the graphs to retrieve information.
Daffodils - Counting Chicks
We've had a very exciting week in Daffodils! On Monday some eggs arrived in Daffodils. The children counted 10 eggs. On Wednesday our eggs started to hatch. By the end of Wednesday, the children counted 5 chick and 5 eggs left to hatch. By Thursday morning, the children counted 9 chicks and 1 egg…
Multiplication Word Problems
This week in Badgers, we have been using what we have learnt in multiplication, to solve problems. We have used the RUCSAC method to ensure we Read, Underline, Choose, Solve, Answer and Check. We find this helpful and tick off each stage on our RUCSAC book mark.