Maths in Daffodils
This week in Maths, Daffodils have been using a pan balance to compare amounts. We explored how it 'goes down' when it has more. We continued to explore this in provision adding cubes to the buckets and observing which bucket had more or less. We practised using key vocabulary 'more' and 'less' to…
Addition in Team Badgers
This week, we have started a new chapter of addition and subtraction in maths. We have been applying our knowledge of column addition from Year 2 to add a three digit number to tens with renaming. The children have practiced using a variety of methods for addition, including place value grids,…
Place value and addition in Team Meadow
We have started looking at column addition in Team Meadow. We are using our knowledge of place value to support our understanding of adding the tens and ones.
Maths in Starlings
This week, during maths, we have been comparing 6 digit numbers. We have also worked hard on our presentation in our books.
Maths in Daisies
LO: i can sort and match quantities to 3.
The children have been exploring the maths area, they have been able to access the natural materials and start to sort and match them up to 3, they have then moved on to do the same with the coloured bears.
Maths in Team Starlings!
Team Starlings have been navigating the tricky topic of 'volume' this week, and have taken every challenge in their stride! We have enjoyed making various 3D objects out of cubes, calculating their volume, and giving each other virtual volume challenges! Keep up the super work, Team…
Sunflowers Maths
Sunflowers can describe and compare different capacities.
Maths in Hedgehogs
This week in Hedgehogs every is a Gold Star!
Everyone was celebrated this week in front of the whole school for showing resilience, positivity and being exceptional in their multiplication checks.
Lines of Symmetry
In maths, we have been learning about lines of symmetry in shapes.
Maths in our Outdoor Environment
The children have been correctly placing the number of objects in front of each of the cones.
Multiplication in Team Rabbits
This week, Team Rabbits have been introduced to multiplication! Their first lesson was all about making equal groups and understanding that equal means the same! Using concrete manipulatives, we were able to use our reasoning skills and explain why the groups were equal.
Daffodils - Maths
This week, Team Daffodils have been learning about the cardinal principle. We have counted different amounts throughout the week and identified that the last number we say is the number we have altogether. We have also tried matching amounts to numerals. Good job Daffodils!