Team Starlings- PSHE- Dream Jobs!
In Team Starlings this week, we have been thinking about our dream jobs and researching what we will need to do to get there! We have been researching skills, qualifications, requirements, and even salaries of our dream jobs. It has been very inspiring to hear about all of the amazing things Team…
Lichfield Cathedral
We have been to visit Lichfield Cathedral today. We loved learning about the building and having a look around. We have learnt lots of facts and we loved looking at the stain glass windows. We even got to sing our Easter song in the Cathedral!
PSHE in Hedgehogs
During our PSHE lesson this week, we have been discussing how we might feel in different scenarios when a hope or dream may not come true. We shared some lovely ideas and demonstrated showing resilience.
Daffodils Forest School
This week Daffodils class explored the forest school area. We had a great time picking daisies, waving long grass in the wind and breaking up the ice in the mud kitchen. We all remembered our kind hands and made sure that everyone was welcomed in our games. Daffodils have asked to go back to…
Starlings PSHE
Today in PSHE we have been discussing rumours, name-calling, and how to deal with bullying. We have created 'Snakes and Ladders' games which show positive actions to overcome bullying, (the ladders), and negative responses, (the snakes.) We have enjoyed playing these games and discussing the…
PSHE in Meadow
In PSHE we've been learning about how to be kind to one another. We choose two children in the class to be "playground people". If children feel that they do not have anybody to play with, they are able to approach our "playground people" and they can join in with…
PSHE - Team Badgers
This week in Team Badgers we have looked at witnessing bullying and what we can do about it. We listened to a story about Mark who was being bullied by a girl in his class, who was then encouraging the rest of the class to join in. The story told us the impact this was having on Mark on both his…
PSHE-Celebrating similarties and differences
In PSHE we have been discussing the meaning of similar and the same. We now know that because something or someone looks similar they are not always the same. We also talked about the differences within our class, for example some of us are 5 but others are 6.
Sunflowers PSED - I am special
Sunflowers spoke about how they are unique. We discussed with Jigsaw Jennie what makes us special.
PSHE in Hedgehogs
In PSHE this week we have been having discussions about friendships and appropriate behaviour. We have been thinking about how we might respond in different situations and how we should be mindful of how others might be feeling.
What makes us special? - Team Daffodils
Team Daffodils have been discussing what makes them special and unique.
We shared the story 'Barry, the fish with fingers' and discussed what made Barry special. Barry is special because he is the only fish with fingers and he can use this uniqueness to do lots of cool things such as finger…
Team Starlings- PSHE- Body Image
In PSHE this week we have been talking about our perception of 'self' and how the media can affect the way we view our bodies. We discussed what it means to be unique, and spoke about the huge variety of things that make up our individual identities. We also looked at some photoshopped images of…