Science in Starlings: Wind Powered Pulleys!
In Science this week, we have been investigating forces, and have used our knowledge to create wind-powered pulley systems! We worked in small teams making windmills, attaching string, cups, straws and paperclips together to create an amazing pulley system. We were amazed to see the windmill…
English in Hedgehogs
Our text for this half term in English in 'Julius Caesar', which links nicely to our history knowledge of the Romans. We began the week by looking at an extract from the play and acting it out as a class. The children took their roles very seriously!
We then spent some time planning and…
Daffodils - Physical Development
We've had a brilliant first week back! This week, we've built obstacles courses outside, fixed our broken bus and practised writing our names, including the initial letter sound. Good job Team Daffodils!
Sunflowers - I can retell and Story fluently.
Sunflowers were able to re-tell our topic story, "On the Way Home" using actions and sentences.
We really enjoyed learning the story and developing our key vocabulary.
History in Team Starlings
This week in History, team Starlings have been learning all about the Roman Town of Aquae Sulis, named after Ancient Roman God, Sulis. We have enjoyed learning all about the Roman Baths, and the importance of public baths to the Romans. Next week, we will be learning all about Hadrian's…
Daffodils - Literacy
This half term, Team Daffodils have been working incredibly hard with their name writing. We've been practising our pencil grip, learning the initial sounds in our names and started to have a go at writing our first names! Great job Team Daffodils.
Lines of Symmetry
In maths, we have been learning about lines of symmetry in shapes.
Plant Life Cycles
Team Meadow have been learning about the life cycle of a plant. They recreated this life cycle using role play to represent the different stages.
Sunflowers' Literacy
Sunflowers have been practising their writing. They have produced fantastic independent writing outcomes during continuous provision! WOW, keep up the amazing writing.
Sunflowers PSED - I can manage my emotions
This week we have been developing our strategies to manage our emotions. We used our Red to Blue guidance develop turtling, finger breaths and rainbow breathing whilst listening to calming music. We then created friendship cards to give to all our friends in class.
Maths in our Outdoor Environment
The children have been correctly placing the number of objects in front of each of the cones.
Starlings visit a Synagogue!
We had a fantastic time this week at the Birmingham Progressive Synagogue where we learnt all about Jewish faith, traditions, and festivals. Here we are playing 'dreidel', which is a game often played in Jewish families. We were very lucky because we also got to see some beautiful scrolls, see the…