PE in Team Starlings
Summer is here! We have been enjoying practising our throwing and catching skills this week in preparation to play lots of cricket games this half term! We have been discussing the rules, top tips for cricket, and how to show good sportsmanship.
RE in Team Starlings
In RE we have been learning about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and how Christianity began. We have enjoyed hearing about Jesus' disciples and their reactions to seeing Jesus after Easter Sunday, as well as learning about what Christians mean when they talk about the Holy…
The Think Tank - Hedgehogs
Team Hedgehogs had a wonderful time at the Think Tank, exploring all things SCIENCE.
The children were able to explore the Science Garden, Wildlife and Marine Worlds, the Spitfire Gallery, All About Me and much more! They ended the day with an amazing chemistry show which was a enjoyed by…
EAD in Daffodils
Team Daffodils have been working on their drawing skills this week. We have watched a drawing tutorial and followed along. We are very proud of our amazing drawing!
Sunflowers Maths
Sunflowers can describe and compare different capacities.
Sports Day 2024 - Team Daffodils
Team Daffodils were absolutely amazing during their first traditional Sports Day. They participated in every race brilliantly, sat patiently waiting for their turn and cheered on their Team together! We are all incredibly proud of each and every one of them!
Maths in Hedgehogs
This week in Hedgehogs every is a Gold Star!
Everyone was celebrated this week in front of the whole school for showing resilience, positivity and being exceptional in their multiplication checks.
Discovering Musical Theatre in Team Starlings!
This week in Music, we have been learning all about 'Musical Theatre' and the difference between 'Character Songs' and 'Action Songs.' We really enjoyed watching clips from various musicals and deciding what the purpose behind the song was. Over the next few weeks, we will be creating our very own…
Installation Art in Team Starlings!
This week in Team Starlings, we have created our very own 'Installation Art!' We have taken cardboard boxes and use techniques such as throwing, shaking, splashing, and flicking different materials around to create an 'explosion' effect inside our boxes. We have then photographed them to give the…
Sunflowers have been practising for sports day, they can show a variety of skills such as throwing and catching and moving with confidence and co-ordination with a variety of techniques.
Forest School in Team Daffodils
This week, Team Daffodils have enjoyed exploring different parts of the school field. They've built houses out of the cut grass, worked as a team to move heavy objects and taken it in turns to push each other in the cars. We've also enjoyed an outdoor snack and tried some more summery…
Team Starlings: 3D Models in Computing
In Computing this week, we have been making 3D models using digital software! We have really enjoyed exploring how to change the size of various 3D shapes, layer objects on top of one another, and create our own mini 3D worlds! Over the course of this module, we will apply our knowledge to create…